Home NEET 2017 Previous Year Questions byNeet cornor -February 24, 2023 NEET 2017 Previous Year Questions 1.The final proof for DNA as the genetic material came from the experiments of? Hargobind Khorana Griffith Hershey and Chase Avery, Mcleod and McCarty 2.Spliceosomes are not found in cells of? Bacteria Plants Fungi Animals 3.The pivot joint between atlas and axis is a type of? Saddle joint Fibrous joint Cartilaginous joint Synovial joint 4. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome indicates? The DNA double helix is exposed Transcription is occurring DNA replication is occurring The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin Fibre 5.Which of the following is made up of dead cells? Phloem Xylem parenchyma Collenchyma Phellem 6.Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in male frogs ? Testes Vasa efferentia Kidney Bidder's canal Urinogenital duct Cloaca Testes Bidder's canal Kidney Vasa efferentia Urinogenital duct Cloaca Testes Vasa efferentia Kidney Seminal Vesicle Urinogenital duct Cloaca Testes Vasa efferentia Bidder's canal Ureter Cloaca 7. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the following statement(s) is/are most appropriate explanation for this feature? They do not need to reproduce They are somatic cells They do not metabolize All their internal space is available for oxygen transport 8.Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained by? Mating of individuals of different species Mating of related individuals of same breed Mating of unrelated individuals of same breed Mating of individuals of different breed 9.A temporary endocrine gland in the human body is? Corpus allatum Pineal gland Corpus cardiacum Corpus luteum 10.Viroids differ from viruses in having ? RNA molecules without protein coat DNA molecules with protein coat DNA molecules without protein coat RNA molecules with protein coat 11.A decrease in blood pressure/volume will not cause the release of? ADH Renin Atrial Natriuretic Factor Aldosterone 12. An example of colonial alga is? Spirogyra Chlorella Volvox Ulothrix 13.The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is? Pericarp Perisperm Cotyledon Endosperm 14.Which of the following is correctly matched for the product produced by them? Saccharomyces cerevisiae : Ethanol Acetobacter aceti : Antibiotics Methanobacterium : Lactic acid Penicillium notatum : Acetic acid 15.A decrease in blood pressure/volume will not cause the release of? ADH Renin Atrial Natriuretic Factor Aldosterone 16. In case of poriferans the spongocoel is lined with flagellated cells called ? Mesenchymal cells Ostia Oscula Choanocytes 17.Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea? Pod – Inflated or Constricted Stem – Tall or Dwarf Trichomes – Glandular or non-glandular Seed – Green or Yellow 18.Identify the wrong statement in context of heartwood? It comprises dead elements with highly lignified walls Organic compounds are deposited in it It is highly durable It conducts water and minerals efficiently o 19. During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are used to enlongate? The lagging strand away from the replication fork The leading strand towards replication fork The lagging strand towards replication fork The leading strand away from replication fork 20.Mycorrhizae are the example of? Mutualism Fungistasis Amensalism Antibiosis 21.Which of the following RNAs should be most abundant in animal cell? mi-RNA r-RNA t-RNA m-RNA 22.The process of separation and purification of expressed protein before marketing is called? Postproduction processing Upstream processing Downstream processing Bioprocessing 23.Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen? Nostoc Bacillus Pseudomonas Mycoplasma 24.Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell? Glycocalyx Cell wall Nuclear membrane Plasma membrane 25.With reference to factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis, which of the following statements is not correct? Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can be grown in CO2 - enriched atmosphere for higher yield Light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs at 10% of full sunlight Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration upto 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate C3 plants responds to higher temperatures with enhanced photosynthesis while C4 plants have much lower temperature optimum 26.Which of the following options best represents the enzyme composition of pancreatic juice? Lipase, amylase, trypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase Amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin Amylase, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase Peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin 27.Which one of the following statements is correct, with reference to enzymes? Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Cofactor Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzyme Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme 28. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a protein with 333 amino acids, and the base at position 901 is deleted such that the length of the RNA becomes 998 bases, how many codons will be altered? 333 1 11 33 29. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when? k < N The value of 'r' approaches zero K = N K > N 30.Mycorrhizae are the example of? Mutualism Fungistasis Amensalism Antibiosis 31. Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is a protein degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell, which of the following is expected to occur? Recombination of chromosome arms will occur Chromosomes will not condense Chromosomes will be fragmented Chromosomes will not segregate 32. Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass? Lake ecosystem Forest ecosystem Grassland ecosystem Pond ecosystem 33. Zygotic meiosis is characterstic of ? Chlamydomonas Marchantia Fucus Funaria 34.Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does not cause further increase in height, because? Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth Hormone in adults 35.Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues to beat for some time Select the best option from the following statements (a) Frog is a poikilotherm (b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation (c) Heart is "myogenic" in nature (d) Heart is autoexcitable (c) & (d) Only (c) Only (d) (a) & (b) 36.Transplantation of tissues/organs fails often due to non-acceptance by the patient's body. Which type of immune-response is responsible for such rejections? Physiological immune response Autoimmune response Cell-mediated immune response Hormonal immune response 37. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select the correct statement. Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative problem of globin molecules Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin chain synthesis Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin chain synthesis Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin molecules 38.An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is? Pharynx without gill slits Absence of notochord Ventral tubular nerve cord Pharynx with gill slits 39. Double fertilization is exhibited by Angiosperms Gymnosperms Algae Fungi 40.Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP? Mitochondrion Lysosome Ribosome Chloroplast 41. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs the alveoli. They do not collapse even after forceful expiration, because of : ? Expiratory Reserve Volume Residual Volume Inspiratory Reserve Volume Tidal Volume 42. Which of the following are not polymeric? Lipids Nucleic acids Proteins Polysaccharides 43. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated by ? Bat Water Bee Wind 44. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are? Haplodiplontic, Haplontic Haplontic, Diplontic Diplontic, Haplodiplontic Haplodiplontic, Diplontic 45. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertical layers depending on their height can be seen best in :? Temperate Forest Tropical Savannah Tropical Rain Forest Grassland 46. Phosphonol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 acceptor in ? C3 and C4 plants C3 plants C4 plants C2 plants 47. Good vision depends on adequate intake of carotene rich food Select the best option from the following statements (a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from carotene (b) The photopigments are embedded in the membrane discs of the inner segment (c) Retinal is a derivative of vitamin A (d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the visual photopigments (b), (c) & (d) (a) & (b) (a), (c) & (d) (a) & (c) 48. Which one from those given below is the period for Mendel's hybridization experiments? 1870 - 1877 1856 - 1863 1840 - 1850 1857 - 1869 49. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are? Haplodiplontic, Haplontic Haplontic, Diplontic Diplontic, Haplodiplontic Haplodiplontic, Diplontic 50.Attractants and rewards are required for? Cleistogamy Anemophily Entomophily Hydrophily 51.In case of a couple where the male is having a very low sperm count, which technique will be suitable for fertilisation? Intracytoplasmic sperm injection Intrauterine transfer Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer Artificial Insemination 52.Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals? Trygon, Whales, Seals Seals, Dolphins, Sharks Dolphins, Seals, Trygon Whales, Dolphins Seals 53.Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into? Embryo Ovule Endosperm Embryo sac 54.Root hairs develop from the region of? Meristematic activity Maturation Elongation Root cap 55.A dioecious flowering plant prevents both: ? Cleistogamy and xenogamy Autogamy and xenogamy Autogamy and geitonogamy Geitonogamy and xenogamy 56. The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from? Intestine Heart Stomach Kidneys 57.What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis? Negatively charged fragments do not move The larger the fragment size, the farther it moves The smaller the fragment size, the farther it moves Positively charged fragments move to farther end 58.Which of the following represents order of 'Horse'?? Ferus Equidae Perissodactyla Caballus 59.Which statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle? The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yield citric acid There are three points in the cycle where NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+ There is one point in the cycle where FAD+ is reduced to FADH2 During conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is synthesised 60.Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher milk output represents? Stabilizing followed by disruptive as it stabilizes the population to produce higher yielding cows Stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this character in the population Directional as it pushes the mean of the character in one direction Disruptive as it splits the population into two one yielding higher output and the other lower output 61.The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally protected and where no human activity is allowed is known as? Restoration zone Core zone Buffer zone Transition zone 62.Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are present on ? Post-synaptic membrane Membranes of synaptic vesicles Pre-synaptic membrane Tips of axons 63.The vascular cambium normally gives rise to? Periderm Phelloderm Primary phloem Secondary xylem 64.A baby boy aged two years is admitted to play school and passes through a dental check-up. The dentist observed that the boy had twenty teeth. Which teeth were absent? Molars Incisors Canines Pre-molars 65.The water potential of pure water is? More than one Zero Less than zero More than zero but less than one 66.DNA fragments are? Either positively or negatively charged depending on their size Positively charged Negatively charged Neutral 67. Capacitation occurs in? Female Reproductive tract Rete testis Epididymis Vas deferens 68.The function of copper ions in copper releasing IUD's is They inhibit ovulation They suppress sperm motility and fertilising capacity of sperms They inhibit gametogenesis They make uterus unsuitable for implantation 69.A gene whose expression helps to identify transformed cell is known as ? Structural gene Selectable marker Vector Plasmid 70.Which one of the following statements is not valid for aerosols? They have negative impact on agricultural land They are harmful to human health They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns They cause increased agricultural productivity 71.Which of the following statements is correct? The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes The ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water The descending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water The ascending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water 72.Which of the following in sewage treatment removes suspended solids? Sludge treatment Tertiary treatment Secondary treatment Primary treatment 73.GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in reproduction, acts on? Posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and relaxin Anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and oxytocin Anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and FSH Posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of oxytocin and FSH 74.Which of the following facilitates opening of stomatal aperture? Longitudinal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells Contraction of outer wall of guard cells Decrease in turgidity of guard cells Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells 75.The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are IAI B and IAi. Among the blood types of their children, how many different genotypes and phenotypes are possible? 4 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes 3 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes 3 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes 4 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes 76.Plants which produce characterstic pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to? Hydrophytes Mesophytes Halophytes Psammophytes 77.Alexander Von Humboldt described for the first time? Population Growth equation Ecological Biodiversity Laws of limiting factor Species area relationships 78.DNA replication in bacteria occurs? Just before transcription During S-phase Within nucleolus Prior to fission 79.MALT constitutes about ___________ percent of the lymphoid tissue in human body 10% 50% 20 70% 80. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of? Leaf Stipules Adventitious root Stem 81.Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be prevented by the application of ? Gibberellic acid Cytokinins Ethylene Auxins 82.Which of the following are found in extreme saline conditions? Mycobacteria Archaebacteria Eubacteria Cyanobacteria 83.Coconut fruit is a ? Capsule Drupe Berry Nut 84. The DNA fragments separated on an agarose gel can be visualised after staining with? Ethidium bromide Bromophenol blue Acetocarmine Aniline blue 85.Out of 'X' pairs of ribs in humans only 'Y' pairs are true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents values of X and Y and provides their explanation X = 24, Y = 12 True ribs are dorsally attached to vertebral column but are free on ventral side X = 12, Y = 7 True ribs are attached dorsally to vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum X = 12, Y = 5 True ribs are attached dorsally to vertebral column and sternum on the two ends X = 24, Y = 7 True ribs are dorsally attached to vertebral column but are free on ventral side 86. Myelin sheath is produced by? Osteoclasts and Astrocytes Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes Astrocytes and Schwann Cells Oligodendrocytes and Osteoclasts 87.Which of the following options gives the correct sequence of events during mitosis? Condensation arrangement at equator centromere division segregation telophase Condensation nuclear membrane disassembly crossing over segregation telophase Condensation nuclear membrane disassembly arrangement at equator centromere division segregation telophase Condensation crossing over nuclear membrane disassembly segregation telophase 88. A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-disjunction is? Sickle cell anemia Down's syndrome Klinefelter's syndrome Turner's syndrome 89.Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete antibacterial lysozyme? Kupffer cells Argentaffin cells Paneth cells Zymogen cells 90. Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ conservation of threatened animals and plants? Himalayan region Wildlife Safari parks Biodiversity hot spots Amazon rainforest 91.A spring of force constant k is cut into lengths of ratio 1 : 2 : 3. They are connected in series and the new force constant is k. Then they are connected in parallel and force constant is k. Then k : k is? 1 : 14 1 : 6 1 : 9 1 : 11 92. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of? Leaf Stipules Adventitious root Stem 93. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is removed and another identical uncharged capacitor is connected in parallel. The total electrostatic energy of resulting system? Increases by a factor of 2 Increases by a factor of 4 Decreases by a factor of 2 Remains the same 94. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of? Leaf Stipules Adventitious root Stem 95.The de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron in thermal equilibrium with heavy water at a temperature T (Kelvin) and mass m, is? leaf Stipules Adventitious root Stem 96.The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. Then ? d = 2 km d = 1/2 km d = 1 km d = 3/2 km 97.The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time are x = 5t – 2t 2 and y = 10t respectively, where x and y are in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of the particle at t = 2 s is? –8 m/s2 0 5 m/s2 –4 m/s2 98.?In a common emitter transistor amplifier the audio signal voltage across the collector is 3 V. The resistance of collector is 3 k. If current gain is 100 and the base resistance is 2 k, the voltage and power gain of the amplifier is 20 and 2000 200 and 1000 15 and 200 150 and 15000 99. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of? Leaf Stipules Adventitious root Stem 100. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 101. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 102. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 103. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 104. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 105. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 106. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 107. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 108. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 109. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other 110. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free space after having lost contact with their spaceship. The two will? Will become stationary Keep floating at the same distance between them Move towards each other Move away from each other Submit Quiz Back Next Quiz Results Facebook Twitter